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Mainstage at ABTT Theatre Show 2014

It’s been another year, and yet again we’re excited to be going to the Association of British Theatre Technicians annual Theatre Show. If you haven’t registered yet, it’s a free event, and this is your chance to learn, share experience and even make some industry contacts, all while enjoying the wonderful displays on show.

The ABTT have been running the Theatre Show for over 35 years now, and it just keeps getting better and better. As one of the biggest theatre events in the country, this is where some of the most prestigious and knowledgeable technical theatre experts will be coming to display their products, having held off on earlier release dates just to give you a bigger impact.

This year Mainstage will be displaying on Stand 2, just inside the entrance, so don’t worry we won’t be difficult to find. Make sure you say hello on your way in because we have plenty of exciting things to show you, and this is your chance to see them all in person. Our online demonstrations may be good, but once you’ve seen our stages up close and personal you’ll really be amazed at the quality.

There’s more to the Theatre Show than just the pieces on display though. Over the two day show there are a number of seminars and talks from industry experts, sharing their experience and knowledge on some really interesting subjects, from how to use weapons, pyrotechnics and of course the ever important standards of sound and lighting design.

It’s also a great opportunity to meet new people, make contacts and maybe even new friends. If you want to get your foot in the door, this is the right place to do it, surrounded by fellow professionals and enthusiasts who might even be on the lookout for talent.

Even if you’re not looking for a job opportunity, this is your chance to share experiences with others who can help you learn a lot, or who can learn a lot from you. The great thing about the theatre show is that it doesn’t just create job and sales opportunities, it helps to strengthen the industry and build future prospects in a new generation of up and coming theatre technicians.

Of course, this is our chance to meet all of you as well, which is always wonderful. It’s great to see such talent and innovative creations throughout the showroom and to watch an exciting and technical profession grow its ranks and improve itself every year. We really hope that you can make it, we’d love to see you there.

For more information about the ABTT Theatre Show, visit their page here.