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Now’s the Time to Think About School Nativity

It might not feel like it, but in many ways Christmas is just around the corner. Whilst it might be too soon to put up decorations, it is the right time for schools to evaluate just how suitable their performance space is and get a new staging solution ready in time for the end of the year.

After all, last thing anyone need is to be rushing around come Christmas trying to get even more than necessary organised. The alterative, allowing pupils to perform on a stage that might not be fit for purpose, isn’t worth thinking about. So, have you put enough thought into what your school’s upcoming nativity needs?

Decks for your Assembly Halls

There may be a lot more to consider than you were anticipating – What dimensions do you need? How heavy-duty does your stage need to be? Do you have sufficient accessibility? What about your seating, are you doing enough to ensure that everyone in the audience can see the nativity?

Whatever you need, we have a solution for you. Between our Debut range for small platforms, to the Premier range for larger, heavy-duty needs, we’ll be able to find the right modular stage no matter how many performers you’ll need. As for the audience, we can offer numerous seating and bleacher options, allowing you to ensure that everyone in attendance can enjoy the festivities.

Keeping Holidays Happy

If you’ve been hesitant because your uncertain what solution would be suitable for you, get in touch with us about our demo visits. We’ll be able to look at the space and storage requirements of your location and help you determine which stage solution would be best suited for your needs. If budget is an issue, check out our article on crowdfunding your stage to see just how the community your school serves can help their children’s upcoming performance.

Don’t let an inadequate performance space dampen the holiday spirit. With Mainstage, you’re ensuring that your school’s nativity is being performed on high-quality and utterly reliable staging, perfectly suited for whatever capacity is needed and however active your nativity turns out.