
Read the latest updates from Mainstage

The Association Of British Theatre Technicians 2013

Mainstage are making yet another appearance at the ABTT Theatre Show.

2013 will be yet another time that we at Mainstage have been exhibitors at the ABTT Theatre Show and it’s going to be a great year. If you’re attending the show in The Old Truman Brewery, you’ll find Mainstage in the green hall, stand number 75. If you don’t have your tickets yet, it’s free to sign up at the show website.

The Association of British Theatre Technicians has been putting on the Theatre Show for 35 years now, and it’s moving from strength to strength. Just as we did last year with our Topdeck Premier system, companies up and down the country delay product launches and important announcements so they can be made at the Theatre Show for full impact.

This year, we are going to be exhibiting our best and most popular stages; Topdeck Debut, Topdeck Cameo, and Topdeck Premier. We’ll also have on display a variety of components and accessories for each stage.

We love the ABTT TS, as it gives one of the best opportunities for traders in the theatre industry to meet and greet one another. New relationships are created and old ones are refreshed. Everyone says hello to everyone else, news is exchanged, advice is given, and it’s a great networking boost for all involved.

For visitors to the show, it’s a fantastic opportunity for a hands-on look at the equipment available to them. There’s an opportunity to really have a look at the products – shopping online really doesn’t compare to getting a good look at something in person.

We also love to meet the people who are using our stages, and love to hear the stories of some of the exciting, innovative performances which they’ve held on our equipment – it makes us glad to be a part of the world of theatre architecture.

As well as the trade stalls, visitors have the chance to meet with other professionals in their field, as knowing the right person can come in useful sometimes. There are also loads of free seminars being held throughout the event on topics ranging from current performance practices to regulations. Some suppliers will also be holding workshops on the best use of their products. We won’t be holding a seminar, as our products are so easy to put together and dismantle that a seminar would only last twenty minutes!

It’s easy to forget that all this is free to visitors – all you have to do is register for a ticket at the ABTT Theatre Show website, then come and make use of all the great opportunities such a prestigious event holds.