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When Google, Googled Portable Stages Guess Who They Came To?

Madness they say starts with believing in your own advertising. However it was gratifying when the organisers of a Google conference being staged in Germany found The Topdeck website through their own clients search engine, and ordered the stage from us.

They had realised that Topdeck Cameo stage decks were perfect for their requirements from the images on the website. However, just to maintain our interest levels they needed them carpeting and fitting with cable grommets, to enable power, audio and data cables to pass up through the stage to feed the lecterns, and to get to Germany in double quick time.

Time was of the essence, as the order was placed on a Friday morning with the proviso that the portable Cameo stage was to be in Germany for the following Tuesday. Plus the carriers wanted 48 hours to get it there! We achieved the challenge, waving goodbye to the Cameo decks as they disappeared down our factory driveway on the back of a truck three hours later.